Stencil New
Creates a new (standard mode) Stencil project.
$ stencil new `<name>` [option]
# or
$ stencil n `<name>` [option]
Creates and initializes a new Stencil
project. Prompts for package manager.
- Creates a folder with the given
. - Populates the folder with configuration files
- Creates sub-folders for source code
and end-to-end tests(/test)
- Populates the sub-folders with default files for app components and tests
Argument | Description |
<name> | The name of the project to build. |
Stencil info
The info
command provides detailed information about your current stencil project, including dependencies, versions, and configuration settings.
$ stencil info
Stencil generate
The generate
command helps you generate various stencil components such as modules, controllers, services, and more.
Stencil generate <schematic> <name> [path]
# or
Stencil g <schematic> <name> [path]
Argument | Description |
<schematic> | The schematic or collection:schematic to generate. |
<name> | The name of the generated component. |
Stencl Build
Compiles an application or workspace into an output folder.
Note: Also, the build
command is responsible for mapping paths.
$ stencil build <name>
Argument | Description |
<name> | The name of the project to build. |
Stencil add
The add
command is used to add new dependencies and integrations to your stencil project. This is typically used for adding third-party libraries.
$ Stencil add <library>
Stencil start
The start
command starts the stencil application. It runs the server and makes your application available.
$ stencil start
Stencil list
The list
command lists all the available schematics and commands that you can use with the stencil CLI.
$ stencil list
Stencil docker
The docker
command integrates Docker support into your stencil project, allowing you to containerize your application easily.
$ stencil docker
New command
The Stencil new
command is used to create and initialise a new Stencil project.
$ stencil new <name> [option]
# or
$ stencil n <name> [option]
Available Options:
1.prisma : This is a required option with yes/no as acceptable options.
2.user-service : This is a required option with yes/no as acceptable options.
3.monitoring : This is a required option with yes/no as acceptable options.
4.temporal : This is a required option with yes/no as acceptable options.
5.logging : This is a required option with yes/no as acceptable options.
6.file-upload : This is a required option with yes/no as acceptable options.
7.package-manager : This is a required option with npm/yarn/pnpm/bun as acceptable options.
You can even choose the services that you want your application to have using the options or you can attach Flags
to your Stencil new command.
$ stencil new <name> --flagname
# or
$ stencil new <name> -flagalias
For Example:
$ stencil new my-app --monitoring
# or
$ stencil new my-app -mf
Note: The default value of a service when attached as a flag is considered to be as yes
List of Services
Name | Alias | Description |
app | Generate a new application within a monorepo (converting to monorepo if it's a standard structure). | |
library | lib | Generate a new library within a monorepo (converting to monorepo if it's a standard structure). |
class | cl | Generate a new class. |
controller | co | Generate a controller declaration. |
decorator | d | Generate a custom decorator. |
filter | f | Generate a filter declaration. |
gateway | ga | Generate a gateway declaration. |
guard | gu | Generate a guard declaration. |
interface | itf | Generate an interface. |
interceptor | itc | Generate an interceptor declaration. |
middleware | mi | Generate a middleware declaration. |
module | mo | Generate a module declaration. |
pipe | pi | Generate a pipe declaration. |
provider | pr | Generate a provider declaration. |
resolver | r | Generate a resolver declaration. |
resource | res | Generate a new CRUD resource. See the CRUD (resource) generator for more details. (TS only) |
service | s | Generate a service declaration. |
sub-app | app | Generate a new application within a monorepo |
service-prisma | sp | Generate the Prisma service file |
service-user | su | Add the User Service module from the package. |
fixtures | fs | Generate Custom Fixtures Files. |
husky | hs | Generate Custom husky Files. |
github | gh | Generate Custom github Files. |
prisma | ps | Add custom prisma models to the schema.prisma file. |
devcontainer | dc | Generate files in a .devcontainer file |
monitoring | mf | Generate monitor folder. |
service-temporal | te | If you want to have temporal setup in the project. |
service-file-upload | fu | If you want to have fileUpload setup in the project. |